Monday, December 29, 2008

My amazing 3D artist!

So, have I mentioned how incredibly proud I am of my amazing hubby? He has worked so hard this semester compiling one of his best animations yet! He began putting this together as an idea for his capstone project which he is no longer using. However, he happened upon this idea while thinking about his childhood. He had a dear friend who struggled with cancer for many years. Throughout all of his trials, he remained incredibly positive, accomplishing many things that are still helping other children. Shortly after he was diagnosed, he became very sore and weak, requiring crutches and a wheelchair. Ryan so vividly remembers the time they spent at a local golf course and the fun times they had. Keeping this in Ryan's demo and listen to the words in the song. It is amazing the emotion you can feel while you watch this beautiful animation. Way to go honey!!!!

1 comment:

deb@virginia blue said...

wow! i got goosebumps!!!
very nice job, ryan...
no wonder you're so proud of him, emily =)

and CONGRATULATIONS on the new pregnancy!!!! i'm so excited for you guys!

sending much love your way...
