Saturday, January 16, 2010

Finally Wrapping Up 2009

What an amazing few months we have had.  So much has happened over the past 3 months.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had many opportunities to remember all the things we are thankful for. 
Ryan is, of course, ready for his project to be finished!  It is so close!  We hope to have some renders posted soon so you can check out some of his amazing work!  Ryan was also recently called to the bishopric so in what was his spare time, he now is doing bishopric things!  He is a rare commodity in our house and we jump on the occasion to have him home!  Gavin is as sweet as ever and learning so much!  He is so interested in the world around him and is completely content to sit in one place or have others tote him around. :)  He has learned to sit up and is now babbling like crazy and occasionally will spit out that stinky word dada.  :)  Lexi had a very busy month in December and kept everyone else busy as well.  She began having leg pain and issues with potty accidents (which if I may say has been many years since we have had to deal with that).  She was admitted to the hospital and had MULTIPLE tests!!!  She had 3 sets of XRays, 2 MRIs with sedation, and EMG, an EEG...not to mention the IV and lab draws which were the most difficult part.  We left the hospital with still no answers and a heavy heart as we tried to keep Lexi comfortable.  She spiked a fever of 104 the weekend after we were discharged from the hospital and she has not had a symptom since!!  We are so happy and grateful that our sweet Lexi is back to her cheeful and energetic self.  My testimony of prayer has grwon so much during this trying time.  We are so lucky to have a way to communicate with our Father in Heaven.  I feel sometimes we don't turn to Him enough.  The power of prayer is stronger than anything I know and through it we can come closer to Him.  As for me, I have been dealing with life.  Trying to take care of a busy husband, a crazy daughter, and a super fun baby!  I am back to work and taking it one week at a time.  I am grateful to have a job so that we can have the things we need.  I am currently in the Relief Society Presidency and am trying my best to do well at that.  I am over Enrichment which is probably the thing I feel most uncomfortable with. Good thing I have some pretty awesome people to work with!  Christmas this year was AMAZING!!!!  This was probably my favorite Christmas ever.  We were able to enjoy time with all our family and had a wonderful time!  Seeing Lexi's generosity was so heart warming as a mother.  She was so excited to give all of her gifts to everyone.  I was so proud of her. 
As for January, we have been trying to recover from a wonderful holiday season!  We are looking forward to seeing Amanda and Jason at the end of this month and can't wait to see what 2010 has to offer for us.  We will hopefully be job hunting, selling a house, finding an apartment, submitting Ryan's animation to SIGGRAPH, attending SIGGRAPH in LA, vacationing to Cayman with Grandpa and Grandma Wing, vacationing to Disney World with Nana and Pappy, celebrating Gavin's first birthday, and celebrating Lexi's eighth birthday and baptism.  What a fun year we have ahead of us!!

Lexi was very suprised with a TON of art supplies.  She has completely redecorated our house a couple of times already.

 And a Christmas tea set....

Gavin got this really cool jump seat...which he will only sit in for about 3 minutes  :)

He wanted to eat all the toys he got...

...but he relented and posed for Mommy :)

Unwrapping presents was very serious business!

And the anticipation was killing him!

And Lexi was dying to use her new tea she had an Egg Nog party! 

Gavin and Grandpa Ray hanging out at Christmas with Nana and Pappy

Lexi with Pappy

Lexi and Nana love!

Mommy says you will play in your toy!!

messy, messy, messy!

What a sweet smile!!!

Is that chocolate in her hand?  Mommy's girl!!

Gavin sitting for the first time!

Gavin and Lexi.  What a good big sister.

My sweet boy


Rachel said...

Your family is so cute! Yea for Gavin sitting, and Lexi wanting to give presents. Hope you are feeling better.

Jamie said...

So CUTE! I love seeing our boys grow up the same age:) We have the jumper too, but so far Zach likes it:) Yeah! Anyway, you have a beautiful family and I just think you are all doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work:)